Transition Year
Transition Year is a broadly based programme which includes traditional academic subjects, personal development and social developments as well as work experience.

In Boherbue Comprehensive School we offer the traditional core subjects such as Irish, English, Maths, Religion, PE, and SPHE.

We also offer a a broad range of the Leaving Certificate Optional subjects such as the foreign languages, the sciences, art, home economics,DCG, History and Geography. This allows students to acquire an understanding of the content and requirements of the various subjects at Leaving Cert Level. It also helps students to make informed choices when choosing subjects for the Leaving Certificate.

A very exciting part of the Transition Year Curriculum is the Personal Development Programme. During the school year TY students have the opportunity to experience and study a variety of outdoor, indoor and educational courses ranging from Team Building, Coaching, First Aid, Drivers Education, ECDL, Mini Company, self defence to work experience.

On completion of Transition year students are awarded certification for all courses completed and asked to complete a survey in relation to the TY Programme.

The incoming TY students are also surveyed to determine their various interests and expectations of the Transition Year Programme.

The  Curriculum for TY is reviewed each year and the new curriculum is drawn up by the Principal, Deputy Principal and Transition Year Co-Ordinator based on the percieved needs of the incoming students and resources available in the school.

The Transition Year Admissions Policy is available on the school website.

Any further queries in relation to costs, layout of the programme etc can be got by contacting the school directly.

Past work by students
Please find below animoto video clips done by past TY Students giving their highlights of the Year

Matthew Collins's Animoto video, "My Top Ten Moments of The Year ".

Grace Collins's Animoto video, "Copy of My top 10 TY moments "